All you wanted to know about frogs!
Whatssup lesbians? This is an this educational article! I am here to tell you about one of my favourite animals, the humble frog 🐸 Ribbit ribbit!

Did you know theres like 7,000 different kinds of frog? Some are big frogs, some are really colourful some Some are as small as your fingernail💅, while others are as big as a dinner plate!🍽️
Literally the best thing about frogs is that intead of walking or running like we do, they hop! That's right, they jump from place to place using their stronk legs🦵🦵, can you imagine what the world would be like if we hopped around? I sure cant.

Did you know how frogs cling to walls and ceilings? neither did I until I researched for this article 🙂. on their fingers and toes they have microscopic hair-like structures called "setae." They work like suction cups - when a frog presses their setae against a surface, the setae flatten out and create a vacuum seal. When they want to let go, they just peel their toe pad off the surface, breaking the seal, allowing it to hop on to its next adventure!
Another Fun Frog Fact - they don't have to use their lungs to breathe they can also absorb oxygen through their moist skin. That's why the like to chillax by water - they need to keep their skin moist to breathe properly.Before I forget most frogs are born as tadpoles and live in water, then they grow arms and legs & ditch the tail. That is pretty wild if you ask me.
Now, let's talk about what frogs like to eat. Lil frogs like to eat insects like flies 🪰 and mosquitoes which is great because I dont like small buzzy things. Big frogs like to eat bigger prey like mice and even other frog 😥
But how do frogs protec themselves? I hear you ask, so I will tell. Some frogs have bright colors 🌈 or patterns on their skin to warn predators that they taste bad or are poisonous ☠️🤢☠️. Some frogs can change their skin color to blend in with their surroundings like an octopus (another favorite animal of mine!) some others have evolved to look like their surroundings like moss or leaves
African Rain Frogs! Genus: Breviceps
These frogs are getting theirs own lil section because these guys are so unique and adorable. These bois are about the size of an egg, have short legs, and a cute snub-nose. The body is round.

Despite being smol, they are tough. They have to survive in a harsh and dry environment, so they've evolved to be very resilient. They burrow into the sand during the day to stay cool and moistand then come out at night to hunt for food. They also like to come out and enjoy the rain
Also when they feel threatened, they puff themselves up and SCREAM!
I also like that you can see their lil butts hehe

I hope you have enjoyed this article and that you have learned something new about frogs today! If you want to learn more about frogs I'm not going to stop you.