Happy International Snack Day
AKA the 4th March
I had no idea it was snack day today, and boy do I love snacks. I bet thet you like snacks too.

Snacks are yummy little foods we eat between meals or when we want a quick bite. They can be healthy, like fruits and veggies, or not-so-healthy, like sweets and chips. If we eat too much snack we might get sick 😥. The word comes from the Middle English word for 'bite' snak OR from Middle Dutch 'to snap at' snacken
The history of Snack Day:

I wonder what the future holds for International Snack Day?? I've no idea who Jane Shoemaker-Galloway is but I hope theyre doing alright 🙂. I didnt know people can just declare a day for something, that is pretty wild if you ask me.